So a little more about us.
We are both hoping that we find ourselves and our old talents once we are no longer surrounded by all the distractions we have in our current life.
At the moment we have a Desktop PC each, a laptop each and I think another one or two that I need to "fix". Between us, we have 5 mobile phones. 2 in use, the other 3 for our games that we play. We also have a TV and a Playstation. I think there is a Gameboy hidden somewhere in a cupboard also.
I would like to get back into my crafting and sell my wears and my partner wants to write (she is so very talented and should be writing the blog instead of me ha ha)
It is hard working out where to start and I really want to get some of it done before we have the van. We need to trade in some of the electronics. We would like a Kobo or somesomething like it so we can shrink our book collection and stop trying to read from our phones in bed. Need to get 1 well rounded laptop each and get rid of all the others. We got the Desktops for our games as we are big gamers, or at least we use to be. The online gaming community that we use to find compfort in has become quite toxic and isnt filling the void for community like it use to.
We don't even have a van yet but the van and rv community has already reached out to us and giving us so much support and love.
On the weekends we would like to start sorting though our things. I have picked up some overtime the last coupld of weekends and this long weekend is my birthday weekend so nothing is getting done just yet. Once overtime is over, each weekend I will set myself a goal and get stuck into it.
Anyone have some tips on letting go of stuff or how to get rid of electronics? Please leave your tips and ideas below.
Take Care Darling Dwellers
stealth van dweller blog van dweller avoiding breakdowns life of a van dweller how to be a van dweller Full-time van dweller female van dweller couple van dwelling.